
At Bud APAC, the integration of sustainability principles and considerations into our governance framework plays a significant role in our long-term success. Having robust policies and procedures, with regular performance monitoring, training and disclosures set the foundation for us across our daily operations where we operate.
  • Board Oversight

    The Board of Directors (Board) is the highest decision-making body for the overall strategy and objectives of Bud APAC. It is responsible for aligning the corporate culture with the company's purpose, values and strategy and ensuring the linkage between corporate governance and ESG. The Board Committees, namely the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee, consist of a majority of Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs) and oversee the business, operational and financial management of the Company with the support of the Executive Committee.

    The Board has a balanced composition of Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Board is currently comprised of seven Directors.

  • Risk Management & Internal Control

    The Company has established a robust, comprehensive and technology-driven risk management to effectively manage and mitigate risks inherent to the business to protect the Company, the customers and the partners, as well as to meet regulatory obligations. Risk management is the process designed to identify potential events that may affect the Company and to manage risks within the level of exposure acceptable to the Company (including ESG risks). Internal audit teams perform selected auditable operations of each business units every year based on the annual Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) assessment result.

    In addition, the team also carries out independent appraisal of the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management framework. The overall responsibility for risk management and internal control lies within the Board, the Audit and Risk Committee and is supported by the Risk Committee. Our Risk Management and Internal Audit team is structurally independent of the business lines for internal auditing purpose. The risk mitigation action plans identified as a result of internal audit are reviewed by the Audit and Risk Committee for monitoring of implementation. The Board also conducted a review of the Company’s internal audit, internal control and risk management systems during the reporting period, including financial, operational and compliance controls and found the effectiveness and adequacy of the systems to be satisfactory.

  • Our ESG Committee

    The integration of sustainability at the highest level of management at Bud APAC enables strategic oversight of ESG issues for long-term value creation. Leadership, led by the Board of Directors, is critical in delivering Bud APAC's sustainability purpose, integration, and performance that add business and economic value to Bud APAC.

    The cross-departmental ESG Committee reports directly to the CEO and Co-Chair, which ultimately reports to the Board. The ESG Committee has direct advisory supervision on Bud APAC’s sustainability strategy, material ESG issues, workplans and performance targets. It convenes meetings at least four times annually to discuss Bud APAC’s ESG and sustainability plans and review its performance. Throughout the year, the ESG Working Group updates the ESG Committee on Bud APAC’s ESG performance and initiatives, as well as global and local ESG trends. To achieve effective integration of sustainability throughout the company, the ESG Working Group comprises members across all departments and operational units in Bud APAC. Heads of departments and their line managers are held accountable for their ESG performances, which are linked to their remuneration and appraisal. Compensation for the ESG Committee, as well as our management, executives and hundreds of our employees, is linked to our 2025 Sustainability Goals and other ESG-related targets, providing financial incentives to drive performance.

Materiality Matrix

In the context of a rapidly changing market landscape and emerging stakeholder expectations, we strive to position ourselves as a future-proof company through identifying risks and opportunities, balancing and addressing stakeholders’ interests, and making informed decisions.

In FY22, we engaged external consultants to conduct a materiality assessment for pinpointing ESG topics that are material to us, guide how we prioritize different ESG aspects and strategize our next steps. This chart illustrates how our ESG topics align with the priority areas, and the level of materiality of each topic.

ESG 2022 Highlights

[1] The use by Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited of any MSCI ESG RESEARCH LLC or its affiliates (MSCI) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index name herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of the Company by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warrantly. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.

Our Policies

We have a robust set of policies, which outlines our ESG commitments and guidelines in our daily operations.
  • Code of Business Conduct
    Our Code of Business Conduct is a practical guide to living our principles and values every day. It is designed to be clear and must be the context in which all Company business decisions are made. In achieving our business objectives, we must always adhere to the highest standards of business integrity and ethics, and ensure that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Business Conduct applies to all directors, officers, and colleagues of Budweiser APAC and its subsidiaries. It applies to all business transactions we make and expresses principles that we expect every individual or entity acting on our behalf to follow. We expect our suppliers, service providers and other business partners to act in a manner consistent with this Code of Business Conduct.
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    Code of Business Conduct
  • Anti-corruption Policy
    Our Code of Business Conduct is a practical guide to living our principles and values every day. It is designed to be clear and must be the context in which all Company business decisions are made. In achieving our business objectives, we must always adhere to the highest standards of business integrity and ethics, and ensure that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Business Conduct applies to all directors, officers, and colleagues of Budweiser APAC and its subsidiaries. It applies to all business transactions we make and expresses principles that we expect every individual or entity acting on our behalf to follow. We expect our suppliers, service providers and other business partners to act in a manner consistent with this Code of Business Conduct.
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    Supplier Anti-Corruption Policy
    Anti-corruption Policy
  • Human Rights Policy
    Our Code of Business Conduct is a practical guide to living our principles and values every day. It is designed to be clear and must be the context in which all Company business decisions are made. In achieving our business objectives, we must always adhere to the highest standards of business integrity and ethics, and ensure that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Business Conduct applies to all directors, officers, and colleagues of Budweiser APAC and its subsidiaries. It applies to all business transactions we make and expresses principles that we expect every individual or entity acting on our behalf to follow. We expect our suppliers, service providers and other business partners to act in a manner consistent with this Code of Business Conduct.
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    Human Rights Policy
  • Whistleblower Policy
    Our Code of Business Conduct is a practical guide to living our principles and values every day. It is designed to be clear and must be the context in which all Company business decisions are made. In achieving our business objectives, we must always adhere to the highest standards of business integrity and ethics, and ensure that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Business Conduct applies to all directors, officers, and colleagues of Budweiser APAC and its subsidiaries. It applies to all business transactions we make and expresses principles that we expect every individual or entity acting on our behalf to follow. We expect our suppliers, service providers and other business partners to act in a manner consistent with this Code of Business Conduct.
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    Whistleblower Policy
  • Anti-harassment & Anti-discrimination Policy
    Our dream is to bring people together for a better world. In fulfilling our dream, each of us is responsible for promoting a culture that results in a safe, positive, diverse and inclusive work environment where people can flourish. The purpose of this Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy (“Policy”) is to ensure our colleagues can thrive in an inclusive workplace free from all forms of harassment, including unfair discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. This Policy protects our colleagues against inappropriate actions that are unwanted and unwelcome and/or which create an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work environment.
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    Anti-harassment & Anti-discrimination Policy
  • Environmental Policy
    We work vigorously to achieve a high standard of Environmental performance throughout our organization.
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    Environmental Policy
  • Occupational Health & Safety Policy
    We work vigorously to achieve high standards of occupational Health and Safety throughout the organization. We will strive to prevent all accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses within our operations.
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    Occupational Health & Safety Policy
  • Responsible Drinking Policy
    As a responsible employer, our employees’ safety and welfare at work is a top priority. This policy outlines the responsibilities of the company as well as those of the employee, and it gives clear guidelines about what is expected of both.
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    Responsible Drinking Policy
  • Responsible Marketing and Communications Code
    As a leading global brewer, we take great pride in producing and marketing our beers with quality and care. Our Responsible Marketing and Communications Code helps us strive to ensure that our communications are honest, truthful, in keeping with contemporary standards of good taste, and sensitive to cultural differences between markets. Compliance with the Code is mandatory for all of our marketing, sales, promotion and communications efforts, and includes both traditional, as well as digital media.
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    Responsible Marketing and Communications Code
  • Responsible Sourcing Policy
    We look at our entire value chain for opportunities to reduce costs, limit environmental impacts and improve economic stability among our many suppliers and surrounding communities. This includes ensuring that the companies from which we purchase products and services are operating in an ethical and responsible manner. Our responsible sourcing policy communicates our expectations in these areas and how we are assessing our suppliers’ performance through a variety of engagements.
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    Responsible Sourcing Policy
  • Privacy Policy
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    Privacy Policy
  • Packaging and Waste Policy
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    Packaging and Waste Policy
  • Water Policy
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    Water Policy
  • Biodiversity Policy
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    Biodiversity Policy
  • Climate Policy
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    Climate Policy

Commitment and Signatories

We commit to participating in community building actively. We made donations to build 29 Hope Schools in China, benefiting approximately 9,000 students and 1,000 teachers.
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)

    Our pan-Asian reach and strong ties to local communities allow us to support the UN SDGs since 2018 while building thriving communities, a healthier environment and a resilience value chain.
  • UN Global Compact (UNGC)

    Since 2021, Bud APAC has been a signatory and a staunch supporter and is committed to adhering to all Ten Principles. This reaffirms our commitment to uphold labor standards and human rights, work in an environmentally friendly manner and uphold zero tolerance of corruption.
  • The Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP)

    The Women's Empowerment Principles, endorsed by Bud APAC in 2021, is a joint initiative of UN Global Compact and UN Women. Developed in 2010, the Principles provide a holistic framework for empowering women and girls in the workplace, the marketplace and the community.