Home NEWS & MEDIA 2021 Budweiser APAC Won ‘the First Prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award 2020’ and‘Special Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement of Chinese Brewing Industry in 13th Five-year Plan' by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association

Budweiser APAC Won ‘the First Prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award 2020’ and‘Special Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement of Chinese Brewing Industry in 13th Five-year Plan' by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association

Release date:May 21, 2021

On April 2021, Budweiser APAC won “the First Prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award 2020” and “Special Award for Science and Technology Advancement of China Alcoholic Drinks Association in 13th Five-year Plan” by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association. This award is for driving technology and innovation in the brewing industry, rewarding outstanding performance, promoting craftsman's spirit, and motivating brewers to strive.

Budweiser APAC won ‘First Prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award 2020’ by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association

Budweiser APAC won the “Special Award for Science and Technology Advancement of China Alcoholic Drinks Association” in 13th Five-year Plan

On August 2020, Budweiser APAC Zone Supply, Budweiser Foshan brewery, Budweiser Putian brewery collaborated with China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries CO. LTD to summarize and share the best practice of intelligent manufacturing and green brewing by deep diving the digitalization projects in Putian and Foshan breweries.

Experts of China Alcoholic Drinks Association Auditing in Foshan Brewery

CCR & Digital VPO

At the beginning of 2021, the Chinese government issued the “Fourteenth Five” project in which the fifth article articulate the manifesto “to accelerate the development of digitalization construction of the digital China". The digital transformation of manufacturing is a long journey, all of us in the industry are still exploring. Budweiser APAC focused on the pain point of the supply chain and drew a corporation digital transformation strategy roadmap. Tech Supply uses VPO as operation essential and leverage technics of automation, digitalization, information, and intelligence to continuously improve the performance of safety, environment, quality, and efficiency.

BBX & Digital- Work Station

So far, Tech Supply has collaborated with Technology and Analytics, supply functions, and breweries to deploy various digital Application products on 4 Tech Supply platforms in more than 30 breweries in China, Korea, India, and Vietnam.